THE TRANSCENDED as seen by the humans
The Transcended, now referred to as Legion, are the humans of the past who achieved perfection of both body and mind and evolved beyond the physical form into beings of pure thought and energy; Enlightened beings.
The first humans who transcended wished to share their achievement with the lower human forms and made a religion to aid them in achieving enlightenment. They created the cycle of rebirth and the caste system to encourage humans in their quest for perfection and transcendence. Those who work against it are punished by being reborn in lower forms, and those who achieved perfection are allowed to keep it in the next life.
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A common symbol depicting the many helping hands of Legion. |
Before the first transcended beings there
was a war of conflicting ideals. Some humans perversely wanted to return to
animal form and even uplifted the animals by giving them human qualities. This
perversion of perfection angered the humans striving for perfection and war
broke out. The war was eventually won as the transcended moved beyond physical
form. Those who supported the Transcended were rewarded with karma and rebirth
so that they could also one day achieve perfection. The enemy was punished by
removing their ability to gain good karma, but nonetheless cursed with rebirth.
They will forever be reborn as the animalistic abominations that they created.
Herein lies the Animal Clans’ contempt for
humanity and their perfection.
Before the doctrine of Light, yet after the age of the Beast, there was the Talos ⁘ The Talos rejected the darkness, but the Light was yet out of reach: and they pondered on matters of transcendence for centuries ⁘ The age of Light began when the Talos, once many, became One: Legion ⁘ Light and Mind became One, formless and pure
- from the Book of Ascension, Chapter II, Verses 1-2,4-5.
A karma-based spirituality that teaches
that your caste is determined by your accomplishments in your previous life.
The High-Caste is the reborn form of previous members of the Middle-Caste who
strived for perfection and transcendence.
The beauty, strength and intellect gained through their hard work is
rewarded as a permanent feature in the next life. Thus, they retain their
achievements of perfection in birth, unless they commit sin or embrace
non-perfection. Then they will be reborn in a lower caste.
The Middle-Caste consists of the neutral individuals who neither deserved reward nor
punishment for their past deeds. Their past life was one of indifference
towards perfection. Thus, one remains in the middle.
The Untouchables consists of those who have been punished for past evils and have
therefore been given animalistic features and must work hard to redeem
themselves. In their past lives they stood in the way of perfection or broke
the holy laws. Their punishment is slavery and the shame of being cursed with
animalistic aspects. By living up to their caste's responsibilities and hard
work they will be reborn in the Middle-Caste after an honourable death.
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A simple breakdown of the hierarchy of the Children of the Light. |
Then Legion spoke unto man and said; grieve not, for Transcendence will be thy legacy, and our teaching ⁘ Thou shalt reject the darkness, and embrace the Light: that is perfection of thy mind and body ⁘ All that is dark shall remain dark, and all that is Light shall remain Light ⁘ Though the task be difficult, thou shalt be blessed by death temporary, and thou shalt live again until purity of body and mind is achieved ⁘ Then Legion went silent: And thusly the doctrine of Light was founded
They are the most genetically perfect among the human castes. Possessing the highest achievable physical form, they are the highest of the earthbound states of being. In addition to extreme physical beauty, they are stronger and more intelligent than the other castes. Their aging process is considerably slowed down, and a youthful appearance is maintained until death. The average life expectancy for those in the High-Caste is about 200 years. Only the loss of hair colour (into silver grey) and some level of strength and vitality separate the old from adult.
Though simple soldiering is reserved for the Untouchables,
it is common for High-Caste individuals to become Knights and Pilots. There are
many classes(/occupations) available for the Highest Caste, most of which are also available for the Middle-Caste:
Monks are
the most revered and respected members of the caste. Only the genetically
perfect are allowed to seek final transcendence.
is a very prestigious position in society. Unlike the Monkhood it is possible for
Middle-Caste members to teach the gospel.
is the most popular and prestigious position in society. Knights are commonly
former athletes or pilots. Only a member of the royal family can grant the
title of Knight, and it is not uncommon for Middle-Caste member to be awarded
this title. The Knights serve under the King or Queen as the generals and
military strategists of the royal army. They are easily identified by their polished steel-plate armour, commonly forged to accentuated the shape of their athletic bodies. The higher the rank, the more ornate and elaborate the designs will be. The image of the brave Knight in shining armour is one of the most enduring symbols of the Children of the Light.
consist of the best athletes and intellectuals of society. Like Knighthood it
is not uncommon for Middle-Caste members to become pilots. As piloting requires
intellect and skill, rather than brute strength, it is a revered skill to be
able to pilot a fighter jet. It is worth noting is that piloting is a field
overrepresented by women. Pilots are identified by their dark-blue coatee dress-uniforms when off-duty. Otherwise they are usually seen wearing somewhat bulky, but practical flight suits. Higher ranking officers, such as Captains, do not have to adhere to any dress code and are generally more elaborately dressed, often embellishing their fashionable outfits with their medals. Cadets refer to this as "Captain's privilege." Only the golden epaulettes that signify their rank are mandatory.
consist of the fittest members of both the High and Middle-Caste. Athletes are
more or less celebrities in society, always competing to entertain the masses.
The class exist as a testament to the virtue of the individual’s journey to
perfection. It serves as both entertainment and as encouragement to the masses.
Most athletes become Knights or pilots, many become actors. It is uncommon for
someone to remain an Athlete more than a decade or so.
are the head of the law in each respected region and is attainable by both High
and Middle castes.
Archons are
powerful nobles who operate as provincial governors. Although the position is
achievable by both upper castes it is rare for a Middle-Caste member to reach
such a status. The Archons rule their respective regions according to the law
and answer only to the King, and the Grand Archon council in the Capital city.
Companions are men and women who act as hosts and whose skills include performing various arts such as classical music, dance, games, conversation, sex, and religious rituals for individuals of high standing. The qualifications for becoming Companions are very high, both in terms of education and physical attractiveness, and as a result Companions are nearly exclusively High-Caste.
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Nearly every aspect of their society is a celebration of the human body and spirit. |
You who are willing to die, I salute you ⁘ You who sacrifice thy body, I salute you ⁘ I who salute you, will be honored to be thy Mara; thy death and rebirth incarnate ⁘ I am honored to guide thy body on its journey to perfection through death temporary
The current head of the Royal family is the King Regent Ozymandias II, the third ruler of the Nineteenth Dynasty (also know as the "Modern Era"), son of Menmaatre I, and grandson of Ozymandias I; also known as "The Pilot King" or "The Aviator."
His wife, the Queen Amarantham (“eternally beautiful”), comes from High-Caste Nobility. She is a veritable fashion icon and is considered to be the epitome of the “Modern Woman.” She is often used in propaganda as the symbol of High-Caste purity. When it became apparent that Amarantham (nicknamed “Amara”) was being courted by the Prince Regent Ozymandias, there came forth a lot of speculation regarding her distinct purple-coloured eyes. Some argued that such an unusual colour must be the result of a genetic mutation, ergo an imperfection, spurring much religious and scientific debate. While the Monks and Priests tirelessly argued over what she might have done in a previous life to deserve an imperfection despite her High-Caste, the scientists were scratching their heads over how such an abnormality could have occurred among the High-Caste to begin with. After much deliberation, it was eventually concluded that her purple eyes were in fact not a mutation, nor a karma punishment, but rather a rare and unique sign of beauty, which in fact only made her even more perfect than most people. Her fans even started to describe her eyes as “The Queen’s Blessing” implying that she’d been unusually perfect and pure in her past life. A popular rumour even suggested that she might actually be the reincarnation of the mythical Aglea; the First Queen. She is often referred to as Callisto; the “most beautiful.”
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It is considered shameful for an Untouchable to be seen without helm or face covering, especially by a member of the High-Caste. |
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Despite the still primitive technology of the Animal Clans, they quickly devised clever anti-air measures that continues to make aviation nearly as dangerous as being a ground trooper. |
The Seven Regions
The land of the Children of the Light is divided into seven regions.
The Capital of Heliopolis
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The city is often referred to as the "Great Marble City," in reference to its white pinnacles which can be seen coruscating in the light of the sun from many miles away. |
Tanagra & The Border Cities
The Desert Strip, The Shield Wall & The Forbidden Lands
This thin strip of desert, roughly 40km across, pours out from a gap in the great Eukyklos mountain range, colloquially referred to as the Shield Wall, that protects the lands of the Children of the Light, as well as the lands of the Animal Clans, from the toxic desert of the Forbidden Lands that was once the domain of the Talos in the pre-enlightenment age. Little is known of the toxic desert other than what is told in myth and legend. All that is truly known is that it is a barren land in which the very air itself is so poisonous that no living thing can survive there. As for legend, it is said that giants roam the desert; automaton left behind by the Talos. They exist now for a single purpose; to pull apart and moulder the materials of the once great cities of the forgotten age so that no token of their dark crafts can corrupt the Children of the Light.
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Much blood has been absorbed into the sands of the Desert Strip which have served as battleground for untold millennia. |
Cliff Town
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The cold, misty mountains of the Outlaying Regions stand in harsh contrast to the warm and sunny flatlands generally associated with the Children of the Light. |
However long the night, the dawn will break.
- from the Helios Praxis.
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